Our expectations toward our Partners

What we believe in and how we work at St1

Our Partners are an integral part of our value chain and our vision. Therefore, enabling positive societal impact and creating more sustainable future depends not only on our own actions but also our partners, whom we wish to commit to the same principles and standards we have set for our own business operations.

We are all the same

Human and Labour Rights

Our human rights commitment is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) in respect with the fundamental rights laid down in the International Bill of Human Rights as well as the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We expect our Partners to adhere these same fundamentals within their sphere of influence.

Fair wages and working hours

We expect our Partners to ensure fair employment. Our Partners shall adhere to applicable laws regarding employment and ensure employees rights to proper wages, favorable working hours, appropriate holidays and the right to social security.


Freedom of association

We expect our Partners to respect the right of all employees and workers to freely and voluntarily establish and join a trade union of their choice for the promotion and defence of their occupational interests, without fear of intimidation or reprisal, in accordance with national laws.

Equal and fair treatment

Our operations are based on equality, and professional and fair behaviour towards each other. No bullying and harassment is tolerated in any form. We expect our Partners to adhere same principles, and provide equal opportunity and treatment in employment and not discriminate against anyone based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship status, age, health, marital status, pregnancy or any other condition that could lead to discrimination.

Health and safety

We expect our Partners to respect our commitment to offer a safe working environment for all people within our value chain. Our Partners shall provide its employees a healthy, safe and secure workplace in compliance with all laws and regulations applicable to its operations.

Working on an equal footing

Forced labour and modern slavery

All employees involved in St1’s value chain have the right to be free from slavery, servitude and forced labour, or any exploitation depriving the basic human rights. Our Partners shall refrain from all forms of bonded and indebted labour, such as withholding wages and depriving the freedom of a worker through physical confinement or forced overtime.

It is prohibited for our Partners to charge recruitment fees from their employees, falsify indebtness, subject employees to threats, restrict the pfysical freedom, or withhold the workers’ personal documents, such as passports, without the permission of the employee who must maintain the access and right to take back the documents at any time.

Our Partners shall ensure that all employees are made aware of the key terms of their employment prior to commitment to work, and all illegible and illegal work contracts are strictly prohibited.

Child labour

St1 respects the distinct rights of children and requires these rights to be realized throughout our value chain. Our Partners are prohibited to employ workers under the minimum age of 15, as defined by the International Labour Organization. Children have the right to education, development and health, and all Partners within the St1 value chain shall not have adverse impacts on these rights.

All forms of slavery, illicit activities and work likely to harm the health, safety or morals of the child as a consequence of its nature or the circumstances under which it is carried out are strictly prohibited.

We oblige all our Partners in adhering to minimum age provisions of national labour laws and regulations and, where national law is insufficient, taking account of international standards.

Environmental sustainability

Environmental sustainability is utmost important for us at St1, and we expect our Partners to support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges. We expect our Partners to recognise and monitor the environmental impact of their operations, and encouraged to implement actions for continuous development.

Environmental compliance

We expect our Partners to comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations as well as applicable standards and environmental permits in the jurisdiction of their operations. We at St1 undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility, and we expect the same from our Partners.

Being transparent in all our actions

Working against corruption

We at St1 have zero tolerance towards bribery and corruption, and we expect the same from our Partners. We expect our Partners to ensure that their directors, employees and third parties acting on their behalf do not offer, promise, give or accept any bribes, or make or accept improper payments to gain improper advantage or advance any actions.


We at St1 communicate our operations and discoveries transparently and openly, and we wish the same from our Partners. We encourage our Partners to ask questions, make proposals as well as actively bring up non-compliances.

Immediate notifications of non-compliances enable taking corrective actions and remediating the impact of noncompliances as quickly as possible. Our Partners can report any non-conformities via our SpeakUp channel.