Our Vision & Values


St1 vision: to be the leading producer and seller of CO₂-aware energy

Our goal is to develop and commercialize functional and environmentally sustainable solutions and deliver these solutions profitably. Each solution must be technically ready for use today.  They also have to be ecologically and ethically sustainable and logistically feasible.

St1 Value Chain

The vision of St1 is to be the leading producer and seller of CO₂-aware energy. We believe we will attain this vision by running a responsible and profitable business, where economic performance, social responsibility and environmental impact are balanced.

Our accompanying value creation model is presented in the video.


St1 Values

Conducting Business According to Our Values

We base our growing energy business on Nordic society’s values. We believe in transparency, fairness, sustainability and equal opportunities that result in equal education, health care and social security. Our values provide us a solid base to ambitiously consider the big picture at all times. We must keep abreast of what’s going on in the world and understand what society will need in the future.

St1 Ethical Business Principles

Our Ethical Business Principles

St1 Nordic committed to the UN Global Compact in 2020. Since then, its ten core principles concerning human rights, working life, the environment, and the fight against corruption have inspired our sustainability work and given it a solid backbone upon which we can build more transparent and sustainable business operations.

St1 Nordic Energy Outlook

We have an urgent need to create new cost-efficient renewable energy solutions. Although the share of renewable energy is growing, fossil energy continues to grow much faster. The global energy challenge calls for significant measures and the Nordics can play a leading role in it. St1 Nordic Energy Outlook presents our view of changes and challenges in the Nordic energy market during the next couple of decades.