TuuliWatti will start implementing its new strategy by building market-based wind farm at Ii Viinamäki

Five wind power plants will be constructed in Viinamäki wind farm and they are up to date the tallest plants in the Nordic countries. The new wind farm will be in production in 2019. The Vestas V150 plant has a power output of 4.2 MW and a tower height of 175 meters, with a sweep height of 250 meters. Technological advances have increased the tower height, which will also enable significant growth in production as a result of improved wind conditions. V150 power plant production is up to twice as high as previous power plants and the production cost of electricity stays below 30 € / MWh.

The wind power sector is moving towards a market-based era and TuuliWatti shows the direction with this pioneer project. The new planned production aid will play an important role in the transition to the market-based of the wind power sector. Production aid reduces production costs and enables cost-effective financing of projects. The support itself probably stands at a level where society's contribution remains marginal and at best it only serves as a guarantee for funding. Production aid also ensures cost-effective investment in Finland.

TuuliWatti's new strategy is aimed at the growth track

WindWatti completed its major investment program of EUR 650 million last year. The company is now launching a new strategy in which the company extends its operations from an electricity producer to a lifecycle service provider for wind power generation. TuuliWatti develops and builds its windfarm portfolio and offers investors sustainable turnkey services in wind power.

In ten years, Finland's leading wind turbine operator TuuliWatti Oy has built 1.4 terawatt-hour wind power capacity in Finland, with total output equivalent to approximately the amount of electricity used in lighting in Finland. Last year, TuuliWatti produced about 24% of Finland's wind power.

"Viinamäki's project is a major opening to us for a new era. At the same time we are also preparing for a technology neutral and market-based time when different forms of production are no longer directed by separate incentives, "says Jari Suominen, CEO of TuuliWatti. "We have long experience and strong expertise in the field of wind power. After completing our significant investment program, extending our operating area to life-cycle services is a natural step, "Suominen continues.

TuuliWatti Oy is an associated company of industrial wind power owned by the energy company St1 and S Group’s S-Voima. S-Voima is owned by SOK and regional cooperative companies. Established in 2009, TuuliWatti is Finland's leading actor in the industry, which in 2017 produced 24% of our Finland's total wind power production. TuuliWatti is investing in strong expertise and the latest wind power technology to achieve the most cost-effective wind power. www.tuuliwatti.fi


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