The stimulation stage at St1’s geothermal project site employs also students

Altogether about 25 people work at Otaniemi geothermal site, of which 4 are university students. One of them is Kalle Mikkola, who studies Physics at the University of Helsinki, Kumpula Kampus.

Kalle monitors the traffic light system and its activity in the control room, i.e. observes the seismic activity of the area. Monitoring the traffic light system also involves close contact with international expert team, authorities and stakeholders. The actual stimulus phase will end in mid-July, but the project offers work to Kalle until his studies start again.

Kalle at Otaniemi control room

"I'm interested in the energy sector, and I think it is really interesting to work with nice colleagues in a unique working environment. In addition to studying Physics I also study Data Science and under Peter Leary’s guidance, I have gained also a lot of new programming experience. In addition, I get a very versatile experience of all the aspects related to this kind of project," Kalle tells.

Kalle is interested in history and he relaxes in leisure time by reading, currently the book of Herodotus: The Histories. And of course, the leisure time of a student in Data Science also includes computers.

The stimulation phase of Otaniemi boreholes has proceeded as planned already over halfway, a little bit over 2 weeks left


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